The Click: Top 5 Stories of 9/28 PM


When a handicapped man needed help cutting and eating his food at a crowded Chicago McDonalds, this cashier didn’t think twice about helping him out! Read how his generosity brought a bystander to tears… SO COOL! CLICK

One thing both black and white Americans can now agree on, is that O.J. Simpson was guilty! Check out the results of a new Washington Post – ABC News poll here! CLICK

Another spider freak out attack goes incredibly wrong! This time a Michigan man tried to kill the spidy with his lighter at a gas station but accidentally set the entire pump on fire. Luckily, the station is not filing charges but still, here’s the video:




A school district in Washington just banned the game TAG at recess because they say,  “Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves”. Let us know how you feel about this on Twitter @939TheBeat! CLICK

You go girl! Watch this young lady catch a five pound fish with her tiny Barbie fishing poll… This cute daddy-daughter moment will definitely put a smile on your face!