When are your kids the most fun?! 2,000 parents were surveyed, and 40% of these parents stated that their children were the most fun at the age of five and the least fun from the ages 10-12. CLICK
These habits are what most men didn’t realize women hate! Stuff like, only texting and never calling, not taking you to dinner, pulling the slow fade! To find out the rest, CLICK!
Kanye West recently unveiled his latest fashion line, and well people aren’t exactly fond of the looks. Some think they’re too beige, others thing the clothes are too Star Wars and well, Ice-T… CLICK to find out how he feels about it!
People were asked what they would do differently if they could live their life over again. It appears we all need to control our spending! “Better at finances’ dominated the top ten! Got all the answers here: CLICK
Hahah these dudes trying to make their eyebrows pretty crack me up in today’s viral video: