Good for you Ice Cube! He cut a show short in Long Beach, CA after a fight broke out. Cube was NOT happy about it. To watch the video, CLICK
Raise your hand if you get embarrassed struggling to help your kids with their homework! Don’t worry… you’re not the only one, CLICK
Oh, here we go with another Jimmie Kimmel, “Lie Witness News”: These never get old, especially when you watch iPhone users react to the “NEW” 6S coming out in a couple weeks… or are they LOL:
Let the bouncing baby continue to dance! After a federal court sided with a mother being sued by Universal Music Group eight years later… The video is now back for your viewing pleasure:
Good luck to our Indianapolis Indians as they take on the Columbus Clippers tonight! Games one and two in the best of five series will take place in Columbus but our team will be back in action at Victory Field Thursday night! CLICK