The Click: Top 5 Stories For 9/10 PM


Ha! Get ready for the SUPER swipe if you’re a Tindr user… The app will now let you swipe up if you REALLY like someone! What happens if you both super swipe? CLICK

How mad would you be? This woman’s $20,000 winning lottery ticket is being voided because of a machine glitch. For more from our media partners at Fox 59, CLICK

Caitlyn Jenner has considered the possibility of doing jail time for the fatal car accident she was involved in. Jenner had a chat with ‘Today’ show host, Matt Lauer (skip ahead to 4:45):

Did you know over HALF of people say they lie about their relationship status on Facebook? The top three reasons include:

1.They’re embarrassed about their relationship

2. It isn’t that serious yet

3. They want to have an affair (Well, isn’t that nice LOL)


Oh my, take note if you’re thinking about using your selfie stick while driving! A – JUST DON’T DO IT and B – This could could happen… Watch today’s viral video: