The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/28 AM


Alright I may be a geek but I think the world needs to see this new Star Wars preview! Who doesn’t love Star Wars!


46 years after a childhood tragedy, a man in the UK is getting a replacement part for what he lost. He’s making headlines because he now has a bionic member! Yes it can be done…read all about it at the link.


The Ashley Madison hack revealed a lot of cheaters to the world but it also revealed something else really important. Women, for the most part, are not into casual sex!


The newest batch of words have found their way into the Oxford dictionary. If you don’t know the meaning of “butthurt” “redditor” and “fat-shame” see their definitions there.


You may be down for a lot of things, but it takes a whole different level of bravery to do what this guy did. See a man sunbathe on top of a 200 ft wind turbine below!