In just a matter of weeks “The Fat Jew” has gone from internet celebrity to the most hated comic in America. After allegations saying he steals jokes from other comics for his social media the comedian lost his upcoming Comedy Central show and a whole lot more.
A judge has overturned a prior divorce settlement between Terrance Howard and his ex wife after it was revealed she was blackmailing Howard to get a set amount of money! The grisly details of the nasty breakup can be found here.
Stepping away from celebrity news, it looks like we could be seeing the first universal vaccine for the flu in our lifetime. This is potentially huge news in the medical world and it’s really awesome to read about!
And yikes! Looks like that drug resistant head lice has spread to Indiana! Read all about how you can prevent yourself from getting this particularly nasty strain here.
Very sweet video to share with you this morning. Meet JJ the hospice therapy dog.