He’s one of our hometown heroes and a Basketball legend! Happy Birthday to Reggie Miller as he celebrates 50 years today… Here are some of the highlights that have made him the person we view him as today!
So, in addition to multiple accounts on AshleyMadison.com, as it turns out Josh Duggar had an OK Cupid account as well… Goodness, here’s more
Dr. Dre has apologized to two women he admits to physically abusing when he was in his 20s last Friday. Check out how it all went down
I hate to admit it but my hometown is extremely close to two of these “Most Redneck Cities in Indiana” list! Hahaha, check out the list and see if you’re associated with any of the top ten.
Ohhhh when toddlers get to that ripe old age where they like to copy-cat everything you do! You have to be careful and well, have some fun at the same time. Check out this mimicking child in today’s viral video: