The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8-12 AM


A New Castle grandfather is behind bars today after a Facebook picture showed him pointing a gun at a camera. Upon further investigation it came out the man was pointing the gun at the camera…WHICH WAS HELD BY HIS GRANDSON. The boy alleges he was threatening him while the grandfather says the whole thing is a set up. The full story can be provided by our friends at Fox 59.


Kim Kardashian posted  a nude selfie yesterday to prove she was carrying her own child and not in fact using a surrogate. The picture is semi NSFW for butt in frame so click at your own risk here!

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s “Nannygate” fiasco continues with the latest being her firing came after she went on vacation to Las Vegas with Affleck and Patriots QB Tom Brady?! This thing just keeps getting weirder and weirder.


The new head of the European Space Agency has one goal in mind…build a city on the moon! Can it be done? Is it possible? Read All about it here!


This kitten loves bananas! Don’t all pets though?