The Click: Top 5 Stories For 8/10 AM




Dost thou have 5 on it? Scientists have found traces of marijuana in pipes used by Shakespeare! Read all about the crazy discovery here.

The new Baywatch reboot lacks Hoff but gains the Rock? Recent casting announcements have said that Dwayne the Rock Johnson will be starring in the movie reboot of the 90’s television show. Zac Effron was also announced as part of the cast.

Viagra was “hit hard” yesterday when CVS announced they would no longer be carrying the erectile dysfunction drug in their stores. Instead they will be switching to Cialis apparently and if this concerns you, check it out here.

Watch yourself if you’re headed to the state fair as Fox 59 reported a couple of teens were robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight Sunday as they were walking from their parking spot!


A dog in the rain…it’s typically a sad sight to see but this one seems to enjoy it well enough! See it here.