The Click: Top 5 Stories Of The Day (7/30 PM)


Would you consider moving to a different country for love or to even avoid an ex?! Apparently 20% of people have moved to another city, state and even COUNTRY for love and six percent of folks have done the same thing to avoid an ex. Read more here

Have your friends ever done something absurd to you while you’re sleeping?! I know I’ve been hit with the permanent marker trick, for sure. Check out today’s viral video of this dude’s friends who stuffed his mouth with Twizzlers while he was asleep in the backseat of a car LOL:

If you’re looking for something to do in the city this weekend, why not get your nerd on?! GenCon is in the city this weekend!! You may remember the RFRA controversy regarding the convention threatening to pull it’s visit earlier this year. It’s a great thing they didn’t as GenCon is Indy’s largest annual convention bringing in an estimated 50,000 people over the weekend. Here’s more from our news partners at Fox 59 

A new survey found women who date younger guys are MORE likely to get upper management jobs than women who date older guys or guys their own age.  The theory is that they develop more self-confidence and become more assertive, which translates well to their careers. Got more on this here!

Imagine a little baby taking a nap just cuddling with a teddy bear… cute, right?! NOW, think about a kitten doing the exact same thing… UH, that’ll melt your heart!! Got the viral video for you to check out here!