35 Of Bill Cosby’s Accusers Pose For One Powerful Picture


35 women. That’s a big number when you see it alone…but nothing comes close to seeing all 35 victims sitting in the same picture who all claim they were sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby. You don’t just see “accusers”, you see mothers, professionals, and women who share a sad experience.

This powerful image served as the cover of New York Magazines article on the allegations that Bill Cosby drugged and raped women throughout his career. In the issue, victims each describe their individual experiences in the assault (which is now past statute of limitations) against Cosby.

These women were made to live in shame and hide the secret that so few would believe. It took this many people to finally open some ears about a long hidden truth about a comedian who’s legacy and work throughout the years had built him quite a reputation.

Now in numbers they can share their story, and continue to tell America of a man different than the one we saw on television growing up. I highly suggest you check out the full article, which can be found here.